
Re: NEW From WealthBible
From the desk of J. L. Staniforth


Dear Success Seeker,


t’s unlikely that we’ve ever met, but, I reckon I already know a few things about you:

  • Whether you are poor or rich – you have a Secret Power within that you haven’t taken control of (not yet, anyway).
  • If I explain to you a new way to bring in a lot of money – it is easy, effortless, proven to work, and even fun to do – you would want to know more about it.

You might wonder how I know this about you? My knowledge comes from over 15 years of experience with nearly one hundred thousand people. People of all ages and career fields and each and every one of them had hidden talents and abilities that they weren’t fully utilizing in their lives.


And once they learned about the secret (that I will tell you about today), their lives and their fortunes changed for the better.

When You Think Of ‘Serious Wealth’, What Do You Think Of?


Do you think of free-flowing cash and no debt? Do you think of large estates and fast cars? Do you think of being able to pay off all of your bills and always have enough money for the things you value in your life, like a good education for your children and money to help your parents live comfortably in their golden years?


Now It’s Your Turn…


…name the top 3 ‘serious wealth’ desires you have — examples: money (name the specific amount you want), an ideal job, your dream house, a brand new car, etc, etc.


(Type your top 3 ‘serious wealth’ desires in the box below.)



Okay, are you done typing the 3 ‘serious wealth’ things you want?


What if I told you that there was a way that you can achieve those 3 things — and anything else you desire — by using some simple, ‘proven powerful and effective’ universal laws.


First, consider this:

  • The Wall Street Journal and the Small Business Administration estimated in 1999 that 65% to 70% of new business will fail within the first five to eight years of operations. On average, 3 out of 5 new business start-ups fail within their first 5 years.
  • In America, ‘The land of opportunity’ with more chances for success than anywhere else on the planet – 95% of all people over the age of 65 will be flat broke.
  • 95% of all the men in the world do not attain their earning potential.

Not a very positive future I agree, but take heart, I would not put that on you without a solution. And, in this letter I will offer you the opportunity to rise above the horrid odds that businesses are suffering and turn you into a wealth champion.


In the WealthBible I will reveal to you the process of manifesting anything you desire. So I urge you to read this page carefully because the secret can single-handedly turn your desires into reality.

What Is Standing Between You And
Your Wealth Desires?

Regardless of your idea of ‘serious wealth’, I am here to tell you that you can attain it!People just like you are becoming millionaires every single day. They are not smarter than you nor more educated. They are not ‘special’ in any way but one – they put a desire out into the universe and then follow a proven process of attraction.


And, as a result, they are now millionaires.


No matter who you are, young or old, educated or not, from any economic background, you can attain wealth by simply doing things each day in a certain way. This explains why two people doing the exact same job each day can have very different outcomes. One can become wealthy beyond his wildest dreams; while the other will struggle just to pay the bills each month. There’s only one thing which separates these two people, and I will be revealing it to you in a minute.


And know this, the only limitations we have in life are those which we put upon ourselves. The truth of the matter is that there really are no limits in life.


Now, thanks to this undeniable scientific research, you can learn to leave your limitations behind ‘once and for all’ and move onto a more wealthy and happy life.

Before You Continue Reading…

Last Month I E-mailed 85,467 Success Seekers dozens of self empowering sample affirmations… For FREE!
Did YOU get yours??


Join my ‘Affirmations For The Mind’ TODAY and instantly get 100’s of sample affirmations that have been tested and proven to get results… in as little as 30 days!


Enter your name and email address below and I will start sending you information, that I should be charging a fortune for, but for FREE today!



…Okay Let’s Continue
You Do Not Attain Wealth And Happiness From What You Do; You Attain Wealth And Happiness From The Way You Feel About The Things You Do


The sentence above is probably the most important thing you will ever read in your life. It has changed my life, and it has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people throughout the years. And, by taking the time to understand it, it will change your life in amazing ways as well.


Please understand, I am not talking about some lame get-rich-quick scheme. What I am talking about is a complete philosophy to live a honest and honorable life. It’s a way of thinking and acting which will allow you to get the power to ethically bring wealth, happiness and anything else you desire into your life – like never before!


Just Like The Power Of A Magnet – When You Are Open To Your Natural State Of Well-being You Will Attract Things Into Your Life Easily and Effortlessly!

Our natural state is well-being… you may find that hard to get your head around, and even harder to take in the idea that when we are open to it, we have no reason to fear ill health, accidents or any kind of global disaster.


Being ill, having financial lack, loosing your job, these are all the results of how you have been blocking your well-being, your energy.


You are either ‘Allowing’ or ‘Disallowing’ your well-being. When you are ‘Allowing’ you will experience: financial security, good health, abundance, joy, and all the good things in life.


Sure, you may:

  • Loose your job, but only to find a better one
  • Find yourselves in the middle of some calamity, but you’re safe
  • Catch a cold, (through partial ‘Disallowing your well-being’) but you aren’t laid up in bed

When you’re ‘Allowing your well-being’:

  • You won’t get mugged (you’ll take another route home)
  • You won’t be killed in the plane crash (you will miss the flight)
Everything You Need In One Easy-To-Use Package


The WealthBible will show you how to attain the wealth and happiness you desire. Everything is presented in simple, clear step-by-step instructions. The truth is you have been using these laws all your life. You just need to know what they are, and how to use them ‘EFFECTIVELY’ to attract what you ‘Want’ in your life, and NOT ‘What You Don’t Want’. And, if you let me, I’ll show you.


So if…

  • Being a total winner
  • Achieve a more socially rewarding life
  • Overcome self-doubt
  • Being committed to achieving excellence
  • Improve all your relationships
  • Building massive self confidence
  • Having a wonderful stress-free life

… is something you would like more of, I invite you to read on. And when you’re ready to get started, click here and complete the order form – I’ll do the rest.


NOTE: The best part is that you ‘Risk Absolutely Nothing’ with our best guarantee in the business.
Details below…


You Are Rich Right Now!

Imagine this… Suppose someone gave you a seven figure check; you would feel that you had suddenly become rich, wouldn’t you? Of course, it would be a few days before you could use the money because a check of that size would have to clear through your bank before you would be allowed to draw against it. So, there would be a few days when you would feel rich without actually being so. You would feel rich because you would know that the money would soon be available.


The principles in the WealthBible will not give you a check for a specific amount…But, it will give you a signed blank check; a check which you may fill out for any amount you wish, i.e. any amount your beliefs can see. These principles have worked time and time again; they are working now and they will continue to work.

God Gave You And Every Person On This Planet The
Ability To Attain Wealth And Happiness…


… It’s that simple, and the best part is that the universe wants you to find wealth and happiness. It’s simply waiting for you to get your act together and do things in a certain way to allow the wealth and happiness you desire to come to you. The universe is standing by, and waiting for you to say YES!


The universe’s ‘creative energy’ is what all things on earth are made of, and in its original state it exists, permeates, and penetrates all space. Just as surely as a seed planted in fertile soil becomes a plant, so to your desires planted in the universe mind will become manifest. No matter what it is you desire, no matter how much it costs, how difficult YOU! think it is to obtain; by putting your desires out into the universe, and following some simple step-by-step procedures, you can obtain them easily and effortlessly.


The simple step-by-step formula that I will teach you in the WealthBible has led thousands of people to success. It has happened for them, and it can happen for you if you will let me show you.

Will You Test The WealthBible?


In life we first learnt to crawl before we can walk, and walk before we can run. This is a good pattern to follow when testing the WealthBible. Test it first in a modest way. Perhaps you are a little strapped for cash. Millions of dollars change hands every single day, some of it might just as well be yours.

NOTE: If you don’t want cash you can choose something else.


Decide first of all that you intend to manifest some extra money. Determine the amount and what you would like to do with it. Then download the WealthBible and put the principles to work. You have 8 weeks to test it. You have nothing to lose and a whole lot of cash to gain.


This test should mean much to you. It should make you begin to understand that you can get what you want in life. If you will implement the step-by-step principles as outlined in the WealthBible, you will be amazed to find how quickly you will have some spare cash in your pocket.


Then, go a step further in your next test. Earlier on, I asked you to name 3 ‘serious wealth’ desires. Use the same step-by-step principles to attract one of those into your life.


Remember! There never needs to be any shortage. The law of attraction is unfailing and wants you to succeed. It works according to a set of powerful principles… and they will work for you.


So you have nothing to lose when you give it a try today. Within minutes, you will get download instructions, and you can start enjoying the benefits straight away.


And remember… your purchase comes with a ‘100% unconditional guarantee’.

Will You Learn And Apply The Law of Attraction
That Unites All Successful People?

Whether you’re just thinking about creating a better life, or have had this yearning for a while. Know this, success in life is repeatable. Just as there are clear rules, strategies and techniques to achieving success in all areas of life – there are also clear, consistent and repeatable rules for manifesting what you desire.


Most people think that successful people are just plain lucky, or in someway different from everyone else. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that successful people are exactly the same as everyone else. They have simply learned to apply some timeless universal laws ‘correctly’. The consistent use of these Laws is the common bond that unites all successful people.


And… By Accepting This Opportunity To Own
The WealthBible I Will Show You:


  • The secret of using the ‘Law of Attraction’ to get whatever you desire
  • The secret of how to communicate with your brain to get all your I WANTS met
  • The secrets of having wealth, health, success, and all the love you can handle
  • How to implement the 40-Day Success Plan(60 pages)

The WealthBible (260 pages) explains, in simple to understand language, the proven and effective wealth producing formula. It starts with an overview and then moves into simple action-based steps.


You also receive 9 Audios designed to ‘build your visualization skills’, increase intuition and insight, affirmations to build confidence, self-esteem, and wealth. You will also receive a powerful process designed to stop your inner negative self talk.


Make no mistake – the universe and its creative forces are waiting to partner with you and turn your dreams into reality. Regardless of what your dreams and aspirations are…regardless of your financial goals… The universe is waiting to help YOU!


In The WealthBible You Will Learn Why:
  • Changing your thinking ‘is equal’ to putting money in the bank
  • Expectation is your most powerful ally
  • Your own perception of reality is severally limited
  • Planting spiritual seeds in the universe is one of the most powerful things you can do
  • Starting a successful business, or getting any job you desire – can be easy and effortless
  • Becoming ‘Unstoppable’ in attracting ‘Good Stuff’, is going to become the norm for you
Are You Ready To Claim Your God-given Right
To Be Wealthy And Happy?

Remember… there are ‘exact’ laws for acquiring wealth!


When I first began researching these Universal Laws more than 15 years ago, I instantly recognized how important they were – and I knew I had to someday get these teachings out to all ‘success seekers’ who desired a better life.


I immediately dedicated myself to living these laws and teaching others how to use them to better their lives, and the lives of those they care about. In the WealthBible, I show you exactly how to attract wealth and happiness into your own life. I show you the must-do techniques which allow you to send your ‘desires’ out into the universe and have them return fulfilled.


Each of the laws, techniques and processes in the WealthBible can become part of your everyday life. They can be easily learned and trained into your consciousness. They can assist you in reaching a level of wealth that is enjoyed by only a small percentage of people.


I strongly urge you to begin today by taking advantage of our unprecedented 8 week, no questions asked guarantee, and see what the WealthBible can do for YOU!


Why Do My Clients Believe In Me?
And… How Do I Know I Can Help You?

For more than 15 years, I have received hundreds of testimonials and success stories from people who have successfully applied the principles revealed in the WealthBible.


I am a self-made millionaire – using these techniques, of course! – and I am the author of several top selling self improvement programs, including; Sculptor 3, SubliminalEzy, HypnosisEzy, 7 Part Affirmation Course, and now the WealthBible. Thousands of people in over 150 countries have used these programs to make dramatic changes in their lives.


And just like you, these people, understand that most wealth building programs simply help people to understand why things are the way they are.  However, finally, in the WealthBible I have created a program that will actually show you what you can do to change the way you think and feel about wealth. The WealthBible is a one-of-a-kind program for anyone desiring a better life.

Are You Ready?


  • Are you finally ready to let more money into your life?
  • Are you ready to feel great?
  • Are you ready for fabulous relationships?
  • Are you ready to take control of your life?
  • Are you ready to start having fun?

Of course you are, who wouldn’t.


So Let Me Ask You A Question?

Will you say ‘Yes!’ to planting seeds in the universe that will bring you great riches in your life and career? Will you say ’Yes!’ to implementing a new money making strategy that works 100% of the time? Are you ready to tap into the universal mind?


Will you say ‘Yes!’ to follow a straight forward, proven effective, step-by-step plan for attracting great riches into your life? Are you ready to partner with your Higher Self to allow your greatest good?


I’ve been told many times that working with the WealthBible is like having your own step-by-step wealth blueprint.


…What Will It Cost Me To NOT Own A Copy
Of The WealthBible?


Ignorance costs… it costs money, it costs health and it costs your relationships… Unfortunately, we all start out ignorant. The definition of ignorant is ‘lack of education or knowledge’.


But that is all about to change…


I have a feeling that if you are still reading this letter at this point, you have got to be a serious student of life. What we have put together in the WealthBible package is 15 years of dedicated research and testing.


If all that knowledge can help you avoid ‘JUST ONE MISTAKE’ in manifesting the life you desire… it will pay for itself many times over.


Okay… How Much Is This WealthBible
Going To Cost You?

Honestly, I could name practically any price for this material. The program I’m going to share with you today is responsible for millions upon millions of dollars in revenue. To put a fair market value on it would keep it out of the reach for many folks, and that’s certainly not my intention.


Look, I have been personally paid handsomely many times over for this information. And my goal now is to make this affordable to everyone. So I’m making it available to you for just $127.00 – a fraction of it’s true worth.


And, just to ‘sweeten’ the deal, I’ve included some bonus gifts that I know will just be ‘icing on the cake’ for a decision you’ve already wisely made…


If you’re in a hurry and can’t wait to get started, click here to experience WealthBible now.

How Can We Offer Such Great Discounts?


The eBook’s and Audio’s are available to you in handy .PDF and .MP3 format.
The advantages of these are:


  • Immediate download on your computer for quick reading and listening
  • The ability to print the contents on demand
  • Listen on your I-pod
  • No Costly Shipping and Handling Charges
  • You can start benefiting immediately!
  • MP3’s are considerably less expensive than their physical counterparts.

Start changing your life in a matter of minutes!


Here’s the order link again… Click here to order now


Great Bonus Gifts When You Purchase Today…


These bonus gifts add real value to your purchase because they will help you to strengthen and reinforce the new ‘Self Empowered’ YOU!


“28 Minutes to Faster Reading” by Dr. Jay C. Polmar (eBook and Audio)

Speed Reading For a Busy World by Jay C. Polmar, Ph.D.
You can double or even triple your reading speed in 28 minutes.
This reading program will enable you to learn four major techniques and use
reading acceleration practice exercises. 28 Minutes to Faster Reading contains
special information that’s rare and only known by speed readers at large, but it’s yours FREE with your copy of the WealthBible!

 “It Works” by R. H. Jarrett, (eBook).

Ever wish you had a quick fix to diffuse tension at a meeting? When it’s time to make a decision, would you like to know how to become clear-headed right away? Want a simple way to become very calm and confident before you have to give a presentation? This special report gives you new techniques you can use immediately to get things working in your favor.


 “Ideal Made Real” by Christian D. Larson, (eBook).
The purpose of this work is to present practical methods through which anyone, may realize his ideals, cause his cherished
dreams to come true, and cause the visions of the soul to become tangible realities in everyday life.


Partial contents; How To Begin, First Steps In Ideal Living, First Thought In Ideal Thinking, Paths To Perpetual Increase, True Use Of Kindness And Sympathy, Talk Health, Happiness And Prosperity, What Determines The Destiny Of Man, The Life That Is Worth Living, The Art Of Getting Wanted, Paths To Happiness, Changing Your Own Fate

Special Launch Offer – Three “Fast Action” Bonus Gifts When You Order Now!.

I believe in rewarding action takers. Taking action will get you where you want to go. Not taking action will almost certainly guarantee you stay exactly where you are right now.

Fast Action Bonus #1:

$60.00 Off The Regular Price When You Purchase Today!
The regular price for the WealthBible package is $127. But, as you are purchasing today, you also receive a $60.00 discount. That’s right, you pay only $67.00 when you order today.


Fast Action Bonus #2:

“On Being A Dog With A Bone” by Peggy McColl

You’ll get the complete book “On Being A Dog With A Bone”. To never give up on your dreams! “On Being A Dog With A Bone” is a unique, inspiring and humorous book that teaches us the lessons we can learn from our dogs about never giving up on our dreams.



Fast Action Bonus #3:

… For everyone who invests in the WealthBible today, I have a very special little surprise bonus.





Your Money Refunded By Clickbank At The
Click Of A Button If You’re Dissatisfied

Listen, here’s the thing: I sell this package through Clickbank, which means I play by their rules. And their rules state that I’ve got to give you an 8-week, money back guarantee. I’m fine with that. I stand by my product completely and know you’ll be completely thrilled with it, and more importantly, the results.


So, use the WealthBible to manifest your desires. However, for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime within the next 8 weeks by simply e-mailing me or Clickbank.


Now who’s taking all the risk?

And In Case You Were Wondering

You DO NOT Need To Be An Expert To Have The WealthBible Work For You


I created the WealthBible for beginners and advanced users alike. For both users who already have a background in the Law of Attraction and also for those who don’t.


  • If you’re a BEGINNER… then you’re in luck. This program is a complete, step-by-step system that walks you through the entire process from beginning to end in a user-friendly style that I guarantee you’ll understand.
  • If you’re EXPERIENCED… then this is your ‘take it to the next level’. You’ll find dozens of advanced manifesting techniques that you’ve never heard of before. This is the most unique, one-of-a-kind package on Wealth Creation using the Law of Attraction.


Since You’re Ordering Today You Also Get The
Special $60.00 Discount


Yes, Jeff, I want to get started immediately with the WealthBible so I can start manifesting the life of my dreams

Order Online By Safe, Secure Server

The order link below has been temporarily coded with your $60.00 discount off the original price of $127.00… Yes, when you order today you get the WealthBible for only $67.00 …So order now!


Click Here to Order Now!


TO THE WealthBible & BONUSES
(Even at 4:00 AM on a Sunday)


(Your purchase may be tax-deductible as a training expense,
consult your tax advisor)

To your success.


Jeff Staniforth
Founder, AffirmWare


P.S. Remember, your success is totally guaranteed! I’m so confident in the WealthBible, I’ll stake my reputation by saying that even if you’ve lived with a ‘less-than’ attitude of limiting beliefs for years, you can turn your life around using the WealthBible.


Start living with the passion and joy that go with being an in control person. I invite you to take the next step to this life-changing opportunity.



Suite 30/116 Shirley Rd
Wollstonecraft NSW 2065
Sydney, Australia
Ph: 612-9460-8098


Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare Pty Ltd to diagnose or treat any health problem’s. If you suspect that you have a medical complaint please consult your health care professional.


Copyright © 2012 by WealthBible (a division of AffirmWare Pty Ltd) – All Rights Reserved.